It is very important for you to work on your defensive stance so that if you are required to do this for an extended period of a game, you are endurance will be on par. Even if you set a no double-teaming rule, it can still be overwhelming for them by having 1 defender pressuring them. We are allowed to play zone and I am teaching them how it works. But just to give you an idea, here are some documents that help you position the league and avoid the "parent pressure": this helps. Not enough discipline. Are they keeping the ball low to the ground? The rule is 10-3-6d. If you can master a lot of these, then you will quickly become a lockdown defender. Raising Your Level of Passing Push the Ball Beat the defense down the court. "I had plenty of opportunities [at the rim]," Harden said . Copyright 2023 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. I don't believe learning how to play zone is bad. In addition to knowing when to go for a steal, being disciplined also means remembering what you learned during training for all the other aspects of defense and doing them when the situation presents itself. A wise person builds a house on solid ground. As a result I do resort to a zone defense or a "box and one" .Maybe this a bad plan (I don't know) but it is the most effective in my situation.Feedback/comments.Thanks,John. The 2G was literally being face guarded by the defender as soon as there was a defensive rebound or a made basket and the ball was inbounded. Our league does not allow Zone, but does allow double team. It hit me like a ton of bricks, that what I just taught these kids was all they were really going to get before they play HS ball. Contents hide 1. I appreciate this site for all the info I'm trying to incorporate. So I understand that high school coaches are disappointed, but please have a little understanding when a youth coach throws in a zone defense. Whatever you do in basketball is improved with practice. How Can You Put A Basketball Hoop On House? Face guarding is a very effective way to slow down an opponent, but it can also put pressure on the defense because they are left completely vulnerable if their man breaks free. The forward that was weak side block now breaks out to high and wide, he should be open. The truth is, lockdown defense is based on perception and may vary based on who you ask. I really appreaciate everyone's info. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hoopsaddict_com-box-4','ezslot_4',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hoopsaddict_com-box-4-0'); Now, to create contact, a defender must first establish a legal guarding position without contact. Then we will work on the skills he/she teaches her. You can straight up ask the parents "do you want us to develop your children so they can be the best they can be? I teach only M2M until the 5th grade then I play what works. It might also get you a few more victories in that rec league you coach in. I think you need to look at it both ways. If you found this helpful, help us out by sharing this post! A defensive player is able to move vertically within the imaginary cylinder created after they have established themselves on the floor. Bend knees to get a low center of gravity. Our league practices once per week for about an hour. Thats not an ideal situation for a child to learn how to handle the ball and recognize situations.Children of this age also dont have the mental-processing capabilities to handle those situations. Jeff and Joe have done a great job with this site and they KNOW what they are talking about. Additionally, coaches should assume a governing presence and be seen at practices and games. Some of the lower level coaches are really not approachabel when it comes to what they teach in their programs. Leo, you need to get the floor spread. Lots more work, but maybe worth it in the long run? We have 8 girls on the team, and to date through 3 games have played only M2M. Surely you can agree that the defensive end of the basketball court is critical. Pistols is a simple concept to teach. Set your low post O5 on the low block, same side as the star in the corner. The International Basketball Federations rules follow closely to those of the NCAA and NFHS. This distance gives you a cushion, so you can change direction when you need to without getting beat. Finally, good offensive rebounding is a foil to any zone, junk or otherwise. I was volunteered. In half court defense, defenders have to stay within roughly an arms length of their opponent inside the 3pt line and must track their opponent when they are outside. Harold, when playing the junk defense, I don't even like putting my best defender as the chaser. Coach -There are times when your talent level is down and you have to rely on some smoke and mirrors. (varstiy ball)Its not always about the smarter players, its also about who has the best players. Use your time wisely, make sure that you cover the things that they are going to need to play the game while teaching good fundamentals. This player is the release valve and will be there for trapping emergencies and being able to reverse the ball quickly. Lockdown defense in our eyes is performing above-average on the defensive end of the court to limit the number of touches, drives, and shot attempts made by your opponent. As with all defensive strategies, there are strict rules governing what players can and cannot do when face-guarding. While I realize coaching youth basketball can be extremely difficult (I also coach my son's 9-10 team), by not focusing on good man principles you are hampering the development of your players by laying back in a lazy zone defense.I see it in my own program with our freshman squad. I coach 5th-6th grade rec . The travel kids will get all the spots on the highschool teams.I can''t really fault the coaches. They dont have enough experiences to react that quickly.Having the 3-point line rule, allows player to get under control, see where the defense is, see where the offense is, and make a decision.Now, for the elite 2% of players, this rule is probably not needed, but I dont believe in elite or competitive leagues at this age. You can play zones and win forever since young kids cant shoot very well, at least the majority cant.Do your kids a favor and go back to teaching m2m defense and all the other fundamentals of the game. Putting one's body in the way of an offensive opponent is known as guarding. Shooting is pretty much a waste of time at that age. We are 2-4 right now, and most likely will finish 4-12 at best. The sad part is that many kids don't go out to the park any more and spend to much time inside on the computer. iT is best if the opposeing team has a point gaurd that scores often the most points(common 4th grade situation) that it is best to go into a sag defense. Brian - First of all, bless you for working with this age group, it cant be easy. One of the questions I get asked a lot by parents is how can I get little Johnny more aggressive? Fortunately, I had a great experience but the one thing that did shock me the most was how little the HS coaches have time or desire to re-do or make a kids fundamentals sound. I have taught the boys to play a man to man defense until this last game we tried a 2-3 defense..Fun but not the same game. He is better than any player on our team. Yet, in youth basketball we use rules very similar to what college and NBA players follow. as you have kids nearly tackling kids . I hope this helps! Guess its time to buy your Man-to-Man defense ebook (really have liked the other ones Ive got! I never say we "press" but we always provide "pressure" whether man, full court, 1/2 court, or whatever. Click Here If You Appreciate This Article. Hi Rodney,I just left a comment about this subject on this page:'s the comment all the way at the bottom. If done correctly and you actually teach why and how it works these kids on my team are ahead of the game now. Defense on a particular player typically occurs within a small area on the court, so being agile will give you an advantage. Please HELP young players learn the basics of man to man defense and leave full court presses and crazy zone's to high school coach's. In this thread too many people are thinking about wins and losses instead of keeping it fun while improving there skill level. In guarding a player with the ball, defenders must attack, rather than react to offensive actions. It would be great IF the Varsity coach had that kind of power, very few do today. All we can do is try to spread the word and get as many people on board with better concepts in regards to youth development. Off-court training is as vital as on-court training. In the leagues my select team plays, we play the full high school rules. We combine our unique PGC culture with a variety of teaching methods and learning environments to maximize the learning potential of those that attend our sessions. This drill helps improve defensive basics like footwork and body positioning against a live opponent rather than just a stationary target. The best way to keep him from overpowering you is to keep your arm on his back and lower your center of gravity so he can't push you back. Improve individually and as a team every week4. I totally agree about the full court press. But I teach whatever defense(s) gives my team the best chance to win. When guarding the ball, the head should be over the center of the body. So I would echo making M2M half court your primary and first defense to learn and go from there, but not get tied to any generalization that you can''t play this defense until X age. Given the maturity level of most of the kids and the amount of the time spent practicing, these are sound rules, work well and have contrinuted to providing a great experience for all the kids. We hardly ever press unless we need a quick steal or to change the tempo. No matter what type of defense youre playing, there are some basic principles that all good defenders follow: staying in front of your opponent so they cant get past you; using your body and hands to block shots and passes; boxing out so your opponent cant get rebounds, and stealing the ball when you have an opportunity. Im not sure where the arms length comment came from, because Im having trouble locating that. Stay calm, run your stuff and you will ruin all of their preparation time by exploiting what they are trying to do. In addition, we only have so much practice time to install a solid man-man.
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